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Everyday IP


Everyday IP: Spaceships - past, present, patents

Developments and trends in spaceship design have wide-ranging sociopolitical and economic implications.


Everyday IP: Who owns the internet?

Determining exactly 'who owns the internet' is no simple matter, as the IP ownership of the systems and infrastructure that comprise it is widely varied.


Everyday IP: Brewing the finest booze – beer through the ages

As one of the world's oldest beverages, it is no surprise that beer and its history offer intriguing lessons about innovation and Intellectual Property.


Everyday IP: The notable IP of golf, basketball and other sports

There are more than a few fascinating stories regarding IP in sports, ranging from the origin of basketball to the thousands of patents in golf.


Everyday IP: When were cars invented?

While some nations are more automobile-dependent than others, it is still difficult to imagine how our modern world would function without cars.


Everyday IP: A brief history of candy bars

Candy or chocolate bars are perhaps the most commonly bought sweet treats globally, but do you know their value as IP assets?


Everyday IP: The history and evolution of books

Each time you pick up a book or an e-reader, it is well worth reflecting on this medium's unique power to inform, influence and inspire.


Everyday IP — Flushing out the facts: When was indoor plumbing invented?

We turn to another thing that we likely take for granted daily, but without which we would not exist in any way as we do today: indoor plumbing.


Everyday IP — Brushing up: When were toothbrushes invented?

Discover all about the invention of toothbrushes and delve into their evolution in terms of IP.


Everyday IP: When were socks invented?

Many times, even the most basic products that we are taking for granted — such as the socks you are likely wearing as you read this — are tied to IP.