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Everyday IP: Paws, claws and IP laws

Explore the world of pet IP to discover the patents behind some of your furry friends' favorite innovations.


A long time in the making: patent, trademark and copyright news

Discover how patent trends, trademark disputes and copyright questions reveal market dynamics and highlight the long-term value of innovation.


Taking a bite out of IP law: exploring two EUIPO snack cases

Learn about recent legal cases concerning trademarks and registered Community designs.


IP trends in the pharmaceutical industry

Take a closer look at some of the top pharmaceutical trends and how IP is driving and being driven by these changes.


品質へのこだわり:デンネマイヤーのISO 9001:2015再認証



How CDAs and licenses support each other

Discover the importance of Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) in protecting valuable business assets during licensing negotiations.


Patients, privacy and progress – IP in the future of medical devices

Take an in-depth look at medical devices and how IP will foster, inform and protect more innovative healthcare experiences.


IP Games: trademark disputes, patent challenges and anti-piracy efforts

Explore the latest IP dramas, from an Olympic trademark dispute to challenges in drug patenting and a lawsuit for allowing music piracy.


Everyday IP: Inventions that went from science fiction to science fact

Explore inventions inspired by sci-fi books, movies and TV shows to see how IP law bridges the gap between fact and fiction.


Digital disruption - trends reshaping media and entertainment

Discover the services and technologies that are changing the way we experience and share creativity.


Romania ratifies the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court

On September 1, 2024, Romania will join the UPC and become the 18th participant in the Unitary Patent system.


Laws for the digital economy – and beyond

New technologies and business models routinely offer a combination of opportunities and challenges to IP owners.