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Brexit: what will finally happen on January 1, 2021?

Some aspects of the future relationship between the EU and the UK remain uncertain, but luckily most of the issues concerning registered IP rights are clear.


The ultimate crash course on protecting Intellectual Property

We have got you covered with a course on protecting your IP through appropriate legal means.





What are your IP assets worth?

Discover how a correctly designed valuation analysis can provide calculated answers to any question associated with the Intellectual Property value.


How to safeguard your IP portfolio: Tips and tricks for SMEs

Intellectual Property protection can offer SMEs considerable advantages in the marketplace against competitors.


Associate Spotlight with Dr. Christopher Brückner

Dr. Christopher Brückner offers his thoughts and tips for companies from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry when dealing with SPCs.


The real IP issues with virtual influencers

The rise of virtual influencers could lead to real dilemmas involving IP law and a lot more.


Step up your invention disclosure process!

Although DIAMS iQ is the pinnacle of Dennemeyer’s IP software, there are many other solutions designed to be provided as complementary services.


Key IP trends to watch for in 2020

A new decade is upon us, and its first two months have veered between ordinary and chaotic. What is sure is that 2020 is primed to feature a significant number of key IP law trends.


Most controversial IP lawsuits of the past decade

Discover fun facts about the most controversial Intellectual Property lawsuits of the last decade.


US Federal Circuit: a design can be protected in two dimensions

In the case, In re: Ron Maatita, CAFC 2017-2037, decided August 20, 2018, the CAFC held that just because an object has three dimensions, does not mean that the ornamental design aspects cannot be disclosed and judged from a two-dimensional, plan or plana